Singing Guide: Ten Shekel Shirt

Singing Guide: Ten Shekel Shirt

Vocal technique, exercises, tips and relevant resources

Are you a beginner or advanced singer?

Ten Shekel Shirt is a Christian music band shaped in New Haven, Connecticut in 2001. Lead vocalist and guitarist, Lamont Hiebert, created the band with a mission to show the Gospel through music.

If you desire to learn how to sing like Lamont Hiebert, you should understand that he has a clear and bright vocal tone that is sweet, vibrant, and expressive, capable of reaching high-range notes without difficulty. He is famous for his unique vocal style and his use of guitar in his songs.

To develop your singing voice like Lamont Hiebert, you would require to acquire a few fundamental skills. Firstly, to train your voice to hit high-range notes effortlessly, take the Vocal Range Test to know your vocal range, which would aid you in selecting the most proper vocal exercises. After that, it is essential to learn about breath support, which is the capacity to control the airflow in your lungs while singing. Watch the video tutorial on Farinelli Breathing to improve exhalation control and breathing technique. To improve pitch accuracy, you could also take the Pitch Accuracy Test and utilize the Singing Carrots Pitch Training game.

Moreover, Hiebert's vocal range relies on his mixing of chest and head voices. Thus it is essential to master voice registers to be able to switch between lower and higher notes in a smooth manner. Check out this Singing Comfort Zone video tutorial to gain more knowledge on how to manage your chest voice.

Lamont Hiebert's unique vocal technique is influenced by the use of breathy falsetto and various breathing techniques that permit him to hit high and low notes without shaking his vocal cords. Get familiar with articulation basics by referring to this finger bite exercise and nasal passage control to retain vocal clarity.

To connect with the listener's emotions, Hiebert creates a soothing yet passionate and tender voice familiarizing the Falsetto vocal technique. To acquire the same singing skills, check out this Beggars Bounce video tutorial and the Diaphragm Bounce video tutorial as well.

For better stage performance, posture influence cannot be ignored. Good posture can provide better lung expansion, thus enhancing breath control and supporting sound production. To achieve better posture while singing, watch this Good Singing Posture video tutorial and overcome stage fright by watching this Relaxing Breath video tutorial.

Finally, if you desire to learn some of Ten Shekel Shirt band's songs as a beginner, visit the Song Search tool on the Singing Carrots website.

To sum it up, if you are impressed by the soothing and harmonic voice of Ten Shekel Shirt's vocalist and guitarist Lamont Hiebert, and desire to sing just like him, you must develop your voice by mastering breath control, pitch accuracy, voice registers, articulation, falsetto, and posture and tune your vocals with the band's songs.

Learn more about this artist vocal range, voice type and repertoire.